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There are a few things I bang on about here, which you can click through to if you like:

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Some of the more recent ones though, are:

To have a look at the rest, check the links below, which show them by date or month. Most pages also have a comments section so feel free to lob in there, or, catch me on Twitter @andrewreardon.

As for “Thick Ethernet” – what is it and why ?:

  1. While I’m fascinated by science in general and I suppose computer science in particular, I also think I am at times as dumb as a box of hammers.
  2. When I started my undergrad back in the day, and accessed the campus cabling plans, I found there was liberal use of 10BASE-5 Thick Ethernet – the first commercially available variant of Ethernet. I got a kick out of the mix of formal and informal terminology and thought if they keep up with that, then I may have a chance with this whole thing.


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